Check out how Wil described the features/benefits of our parent-involved child math-development program at the Texas Home School Coalition Convention. Continue Reading →
Check out how Wil described the features/benefits of our parent-involved child math-development program at the Texas Home School Coalition Convention. Continue Reading →
Do you see math as a butterfly or roach? It matters a lot to your kids! Continue Reading →
Wil, the research guy, notices how technology has advanced, but education is being left behind. Continue Reading →
Is your name an ALMOST palindrome? And just how close is it? Check it out here! Continue Reading →
You you have fear when teaching or helping your kids with math? And how does society help with that? Continue Reading →
Why creating a learning environment safe from fear, anxiety and criticism is important – and how to do it! Continue Reading →
When he’s not reading psychological research papers about math anxiety and avoidance, this is what Wil Devine does in the Math Shack! Continue Reading →
Research shows that understanding based instruction can be more effective – even though we still tend to use performance as a basis! Continue Reading →
What’s the cause of low math performance? What’s the cause of high math performance? Math anxiety? Math avoidance? Well, now’s there’s someone to tell us! Continue Reading →