There’s a funny little pattern in the times tables for sevens. Check it out! Continue Reading →
There’s a funny little pattern in the times tables for sevens. Check it out! Continue Reading →
Discover all sorts of great geometry things with Melissa & Doug’s Animal Pattern Blocks Set. Continue Reading →
Think Fun’s Rush Hour Traffic Jam Game teaches patterns, logic, strategy… in other words: MATH! Continue Reading →
Is there really math everywhere? Yes indeed – even in wrapping paper! Continue Reading →
Rubikcubism, or Rubik’s Cube art, is something your kids can do to improve math learning – and it doesn’t have to be expensive! Continue Reading →
Isn’t wordless Wednesday supposed to not have words? I’m totally messing that up – but it is a great photo of Fibonacci Baskets! Continue Reading →
Part of the Count 10 Read 10 series, this activity is good anywhere. Just about anything, from argyle socks to zoot suits can have curious patterns. Here’s one way to play with them. Continue Reading →
Adding evens and odds has the same pattern as multiplying positive and negatives. I rediscovered this while playing cribbage – and keeping my eyes peeled for patterns! Continue Reading →
A fun puzzle from world famous Thiagi – and the number of different ways to solve it! Continue Reading →
Differentiation is the foundation of learning. Curiosity comes in the form of “Why is that different?” And right behind it is “Why is that the same?” Continue Reading →