How can you tell a lesson isn’t working? When do you know and what can you do to fix it? Continue Reading →
How can you tell a lesson isn’t working? When do you know and what can you do to fix it? Continue Reading →
What does the word KEEP mean for a math teacher? Find out in this week’s Five Minute Friday post. Continue Reading →
Are you still teaching math processes? Perhaps it’s time to stop. Continue Reading →
What does real learning look like? Check out this learning cycle – and where it can end up. Continue Reading →
Do your kids have a math toolbox? Are they comfortable choosing any tool they like? Continue Reading →
It’s a great term for a great idea. Turns out I’ve been doing it for a long while. Check out the tips. (First in a series.) Continue Reading →
Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day… But is teaching him to fish really any better? Continue Reading →
As a vehement opponent of calculators, this article is as surprising to me as it might be to anyone! Here’s how to use technology and calculators to encourage discovery and creativity in math! Continue Reading →
Here’re some tips on creating a safe discovery atmosphere – an Inquiry Zone – for math learning. Continue Reading →
Inspired by twitter friends, here are some ideas on creating a better math learning environment using inquiry-based math instruction. Continue Reading →