Learning Right Triangles with Discovery Toys

I hosted a Discovery Toys party the other day and ended up explaining how to use many of the toys for teaching math.

Alas, here I am now doing videos of the same. I can’t get over these toys. They are designed proportionally (the cups and weighing ones) and always with the thought “How can this be fun at the same time it’s teaching something.”

Of course, all toys teach. But the designers of these toys put the extra oomph into the thinking process so that when a kid asks “why?” there’s an easy way for the parent to answer.

Oh – and they are guaranteed for life!

So from here out, I’ll be doing occasional videos on how to use them.

The first is about right triangles on the Giant Pegboard. Notice in the video that when I say “congruent triangles” I really mean “similar triangles“.

See what you think:

Have you played with triangles and pegboards? What other ways can you use them to teach and learn?

Disclaimer: I tried to become an affiliate of these toys to help pay for this blog. Alas, they don’t have an affiliate program. The only way was to become an official consultant. These toys are so cool and helpful, that I have done it.

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2 Responses to Learning Right Triangles with Discovery Toys

  1. Thank you for this terrific tutorial using Discovery Toys’ Giant Pegboard. Isn’t it fun that a toddler toy can be used all the way up to teach geometry to a high school student? That is the value of Discovery Toys!

    • Hey, Valerie!

      Thanks for the comment! I do enjoy the Discovery Toys – almost to the point of hogging them to myself!

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