I’m changing careers – no longer math education, but now using math to do businessy things with Data Science. Are you with me? Continue Reading →
I’m changing careers – no longer math education, but now using math to do businessy things with Data Science. Are you with me? Continue Reading →
Corporate America is at it again. Do they really fail to see that Hum by Verizon not only uses a lot of math, but CRAP-TONS of statistics?! Continue Reading →
They want you to show your work, but you don’t need to. They want you to do the problem a certain way, but you know a better way. Well, it doesn’t matter because sometimes you just gotta play the game. Continue Reading →
Today’s Breakfast Club 5:30 tweet chat topic is, “The new President appoints you Sec. of Education. What’s the first thing you do?” Here’s my answer… Continue Reading →
As my daughter goes from Kindergarten to 1st grade, I ponder her great teachers… and the great teachers I’ve had in the past, too. Continue Reading →
Just like running a marathon, doing math problems takes work. But grownups often make kids think it’s effortless! Continue Reading →
Living another 45 years might be a challenge. But maybe with Ben Franklin’s virtues, I can do it! Continue Reading →
Want to do something? Even something that freaks you out? Find out how freaked the expert was before they were the expert. Continue Reading →
Do you have Happiness Habits? Do any of them keep you happy at math homework time? Here are some ideas to use! Continue Reading →
Every real math problem has a story behind it. Doing textbook problems without this can lead to confusion – or “wrong” answers. Continue Reading →