Sharing your learning is scary and delicate. Make sure you get the teacher and tutor that fits you. Not just the convenient ones. Continue Reading →
Sharing your learning is scary and delicate. Make sure you get the teacher and tutor that fits you. Not just the convenient ones. Continue Reading →
Part of Five Minute Friday, I talk about saying yes – even when the answer might be no. Continue Reading →
Handling socially sensitive conversations is part of our job. Here’s how I handle the student that likes to talk guns. Continue Reading →
How do you view your students – individuals or assembly line components? How were you viewed by your teachers? Continue Reading →
Do your students have intense versions of traits that you see in yourself? I sure do! Continue Reading →
Are you ready for a chuckle? Here’s a sideways take on some questions educators may or may not ask… Continue Reading →
You teach. That’s WHAT you do. But WHY do you do it? Continue Reading →
How can you tell a lesson isn’t working? When do you know and what can you do to fix it? Continue Reading →
How do you handle unsupportive administrators? Here’s one suggestion to an admin’s mean rejection of Twitter usage. Continue Reading →
What does the word KEEP mean for a math teacher? Find out in this week’s Five Minute Friday post. Continue Reading →