If you hate math, good for you. Say it loud and proud: “I hate math!” I’ll no longer admonish anyone for it. Continue Reading →
If you hate math, good for you. Say it loud and proud: “I hate math!” I’ll no longer admonish anyone for it. Continue Reading →
If you, the parent and grownup, make a habit of saying these 3 words, you can really improve your child’s success in math! Continue Reading →
Have you ever said, “I wish people would stop saying, ‘Girls aren’t good at math.'” Here’s what I say back to you… Continue Reading →
While playing Simply Fun’s Math’d Potatoes game with my parents, I was reminded how “math people” can really damper math learning. Continue Reading →
The 50 word mini-article series continues. This time it’s a dialog over time. And a statement of what’s happening today.
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You know you shouldn’t say, “I hate math,” but what if you really do hate math? How do you break the habit to prevent your children from getting into the same mode? Continue Reading →
There’s only one right answer to this question. And yet we all try to give other answers. Sometimes our answers drive away kids from math. Continue Reading →
Imagine this… You’re at a a party. Someone asks you what you do. You say, “I’m an undertaker’s assistant. And what do you do?” They say they teach English. You say, “Oh wow. I have always HATED English. I can’t even read the street signs!” The guy a few feet away overhears this and joins… Continue Reading →