I’ll be deploying a pilot for Parent Math Camp in Houston this year. Here are the details…
Morning Session Details
The morning sessions are for parents of elementary school students. We’ll complete a full course in each week. (So if you attend 5th grade PMC at the 10 o’clock hour, you’ll do 5th grade math starting June 20 and be finished with the textbook on June 24.) The purpose of the elementary sessions is to “translate” the new math that students are learning now into the language and methods that we learned decades ago.
Afternoon Session Details
The afternoon sessions are for parents of middle school or high school students. Each week we’ll cover a different major topic in mathematics that all students will experience before graduation.
Registration Guidelines
Pre-registration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome, as space permits. Cash, check or PayPal. Click here to download the information sheet and registration form.
Mail form and check to: Bon Crowder, 2870 Gessner Road #C4, Houston, Texas 77080
Email me and I’ll send PayPal info: Bon@MathFour.com
Session Pricing
Sessions are for adults intending on helping family members during the upcoming school year. Parents may pay for and attend single sessions on a walk-in basis, as space permits.
- Prepaid sessions: $20 per week
- Walk-in sessions: $5 per session or $25 per week
- Prepaid back to back sessions (afternoon only): $35 per week
- Walk-in back to back sessions (afternoon only): $10 per session or $45 per week
Location & Information
All sessions will be held at Newspring Art Studio, 8945 Long Point Ste. #100, Houston, TX 77055. For more information: 713-557-8048, Bon@MathFour.com, www.MathFour.com/parent-math-camp-2016