Today’s homeschool and renegade classroom teacher Tweet Chat #HSMath is today, Thursday, April 21 at 9pm CST. The topic is “Math in Museums – Field Trips and Vacations to Support Math Learning”
Here’s one of the early posts of this blog illustrating a math thing I learned at a museum. (Excuse the arithmetic error.)
Join us for the fun and learning – and don’t forget to use the hashtag#HSMath.
Here’s how you join the party…
You need a Twitter account. If you don’t have one click here to get one.
You’ll need a way to follow #HSMath separately from your other tweets (or you’ll go nuts). Some options are:
- TweetChat – this types the #HSMath tag and follows the stream
- What the Hashtag?! – this types the #HSMath tag and allows you to filter the stream and shorten URLs
- TweetDeck – for Desktop, iPhone or iPad, you’ll have to add the #HSMath hashtag yourself
- HootSuite – Good service, but you’ll have to add the #HSMath hashtag yourself on this one too
- TweetGrid – a web-based dashboard that’s also an app for some smartphones, again you’ll need to add #HSMath on each tweet
The first two get you most directly to where you need to be to participate. If you have questions or are panicked, send me a note via twitter by clicking here.
And if you have a chance, please support Homeschool Math Chat by voting to give us authority andtweeting to your friends.
Past Transcripts and Topics of #HSMath Twitter Parties
April 21, 2011 – “Math in Museums – Field Trips and Vacations to Support Math Learning”
April 14, 2011 – “Math Games”
April 7, 2011 – “Math Tools – Fingers, Calculators, Abacuses, Slide Rules, etc.”
March 31, 2011 – “When should you teach what?”
March 24, 2011 – “How do you teach real world math and still get in enough formulas and algorithms?”
March 17, 2011 – “What topics would you like discussed at our weekly chats?”

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