In one of their recent podcast episodes, the Data Science Imposters discussed the prisoner’s dilemma. Here’s two takes on how to decide if you should confess or not. Continue Reading →
In one of their recent podcast episodes, the Data Science Imposters discussed the prisoner’s dilemma. Here’s two takes on how to decide if you should confess or not. Continue Reading →
I’m changing careers – no longer math education, but now using math to do businessy things with Data Science. Are you with me? Continue Reading →
Corporate America is at it again. Do they really fail to see that Hum by Verizon not only uses a lot of math, but CRAP-TONS of statistics?! Continue Reading →
When a song gets stuck in your head, it’s called an earworm. There’s a cure, unless the song is infinite! Continue Reading →
They want you to show your work, but you don’t need to. They want you to do the problem a certain way, but you know a better way. Well, it doesn’t matter because sometimes you just gotta play the game. Continue Reading →
You can learn all you need to know about math from computer programming and coding. And I’m going to start writing about it more! Continue Reading →
You’ve seen the quizzes for just about every “what kind of…” Now there’s a quiz tailored to the math educators. Enjoy! Continue Reading →
Even a 4 year old can enjoy the game of Rush Hour! Continue Reading →
Tomorrow I attempt to finish my first marathon. There’s a 6 hour limit to finish, which makes me think about the math behind the marathon! Continue Reading →
Today’s Breakfast Club 5:30 tweet chat topic is, “The new President appoints you Sec. of Education. What’s the first thing you do?” Here’s my answer… Continue Reading →