Video Portfolio

Hey there!

I’m Bon Crowder. In addition to the math thing, I’m also pretty big on making videos – of just about anything. Okay, not ANYthing (in THAT way). But you know… anything.

Here’s a handful of the stuff I’ve done, along with brief explanations/excuses. More videos can be found on, and YouTube.


Quick screencast how-to on a plugin. I did this one in the car:

A screencast on making screencasts:

Step-by-step guide for a non-online thing:

From the hip news style:

Professionally made how-to video:

Basic PowerPoint style explanation:

Tiny, cute and meant to be thought provoking:

My first video ever – and a discussion of how making a video can be scary.

Like what you see? Do you want me to make a video (or 75) for you or your organization? Contact me at bon <at>

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