Online Math Contests

Wil, the research guy, was browsing about on the website of the Museum of Mathematics today and found their math t-shirt contest.

“We should enter this!” he said.

We’re working on getting That’s Math! into alpha-testing, trying to write new content for, struggling to keep up with comments/tweets/tweetchats, fighting malware cyber-meanies (that’s fixed, btw).

And now he wants us to design a t-shirt?

Well, honestly, it sounds like fun. And with no time to spare, we’re out. 🙁

But someone else might have the time – or have a kid who has the time!

Which made me wonder how many other math contests were out there.

Math contests are everywhere!

In my neighborhood, The University of Houston had their math contest last weekend, and Rice University has theirs this weekend.

But not all contests require you to transport your kiddos.

Here’s a smattering of various math contests and competitions that are online and free:

Ole Miss Math Challenge – weekly problems

Abacus International Math Challenge – problems posted online six times each year

Art of Problem Solving For the Win! – real-time math gaming

World Math Day – one day each year (in 2012 it’s on March 7) and more than a month of online practice questions

Want more options?

There are many ways to compete with math – face-to-face, online, t-shirts, artwork, you name it. Check out the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions for a great selection.

In the US, you can use the list of regional math competitions. The dates are all old, but the links still take you to good places.

Are your children getting involved in a math contest? Share it in the comments. And make sure to tweet the contest to others…

Image note: The feature image on the home page is the World Math Day logo.

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