Links for Learning – December 11, 2011

I’ve been sitting on these links for math learning for too long – wanted to share them with y’all…

by Marc Falardeau | | CC BY

Mental Floss offers the “Monday Math Square” – I’m not keen on these types of puzzle, but that doesn’t mean a lot of your kids aren’t!

This one’s really better for Valentine’s Day, but it’s beautiful any time of the year – The Love Formula : How to Draw a Heart Shaped Curvy Graph

I somehow found this long list of course notes for years worth of course notes for workshops for secondary school teachers. This is like a goldmine! Park City Mathematics Institute Secondary School Teachers Program Problem Sets from the Developing Mathematics Course

MBP over at Rational Expressions wrote a really interesting insite on getting kids into problem solving in How I stumbled onto problem-solving. I loved the article, but the best part was the last line – too funny!

Sweet Gary over at Republic of Mathematics shares some stories about fear in Mathphobia: its existence, severity and possible remedy. Really interesting read – including his own experience on the elevator!

Found anything lately that was amazing? Share it in the comments!

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